26  Clustering

26.1 Preamble

26.1.1 Introduction

In spatial transcriptomics data, we can apply clustering algorithms to identify spatial domains, which represent spatially defined regions consisting of relatively consistent gene expression profiles. For example, spatial domains may consist of regions containing cells from a single cell type or a consistent mixture of cell types.

Several alternative approaches exist for identifying spatial domains. One strategy involves applying standard clustering algorithms from single-cell workflows without incorporating spatial information. Alternatively, spatial information can be integrated at various stages of the workflow. For example, spatial data can inform preprocessing steps, such as selecting spatially variable genes (SVGs), followed by the application of either non-spatial or spatial clustering algorithms. Another widely used strategy involves generating a latent space that incorporates spatial coordinates, often leveraging Bayesian framework or neural networks.

As advancements in spatial transcriptomics techniques enhance tissue resolution, computational tradeoffs between various approaches and parameters become increasingly relevant.

It is also important to keep in mind that when we use clustering to define cell types and/or states, these can be defined at various resolutions (or even on a continuum). The optimal number of clusters depends on the biological context – in particular, there is no “true” number of clusters, since this depends on the biological context (e.g. if we are comparing major cell populations vs. comparing rare subtypes), so the choice of the optimal number of clusters or resolutions requires some judgment and biological interpretation.

Once we have identified spatial domains, these can then be further investigated in additional downstream analyses.

26.1.2 Dependencies

# set seed for random number generation
# in order to make results reproducible
# load processed Xenium datasets
spe <- readRDS("img-spe_cl.rds")

26.2 Clustering

26.2.1 Non-spatial

As a baseline, we will perform a standard graph-based clustering approach developed for scRNA-seq data, using molecular features (gene expression) only. Specifically, we construct a shared nearest neighbor (SNN) graph based on non-spatial PCs (reducedDim slot "PCA_tx"), and use the Leiden algorithm for community detection (Traag, Waltman, and Eck 2018). [The resolution parameter used here was selected in order to obtain a similar number of clusters annotated by the authors.]

# build cellular shared nearest-neighbor (SNN) graph
g <- buildSNNGraph(spe, use.dimred="PCA_tx", type="jaccard", k=20)
# cluster using Leiden community detection algorithm
k <- cluster_leiden(g, objective_function="modularity", resolution=1.2)
table(spe$Leiden <- factor(k$membership))
##      1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12 
##   2929 12631  3501 14046  5342 12318  5920 28768 12322  4252  6510  8631 
##     13    14    15    16    17 
##   8840 12566  4794 14008  2776

26.2.2 Spatially aware

Several methods to identify spatial domains in ST data have recently been developed, which each have various methodological and computational tradeoffs. A few example include BayesSpace (Zhao et al. 2021), Banksy (Singhal et al. 2024) and PRECAST (Liu et al. 2023) in R, as well as CellCharter (Varrone et al. 2024) and SpaceFlow (Ren et al. 2022) in Python.

Here, we demonstrate tools representative of different methodologies, namely, (probabilistic) BayesSpace for seq-based Visium, as well as (neighborhood-based) Banksy and (encoder-based) CellCharter for img-based Xenium data. Probabilistic

Underlying BayesSpace (Zhao et al. 2021) is a Bayesian model that encourages neighboring spots to belong to the same cluster, and utilizes Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for estimating model parameters.

Default parameters are nrep=50,000 MCMC iterations and a burn-in period of burn.in=1,000; the authors recommend running with at least 10,000 iterations. Here, we use fewer iterations for the sake of runtime, which will arguably compromise performance. Note that, since MCMC is stochastic, a seed for random number generation should be set in order to make results reproducible.
# load processed Visium dataset
vis <- readRDS("seq-spe_cl.rds")
# prepare data for 'BayesSpace'
# skipping PCA (already computed)
.vis <- spatialPreprocess(vis, skip.PCA=TRUE)
# perform spatial clustering with 'BayesSpace'
# using 'd=20' PCs and targeting 'q=10' clusters
.vis <- spatialCluster(.vis, q=10, d=20, nrep=1e3, burn.in=100) 
table(vis$BayesSpace <- factor(.vis$spatial.cluster))
##     1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10 
##   270  733  153  250 1146  304  794  694  291  357 Neighborhood-based

BANKSY (Singhal et al. 2024) embeds cells in a product space of their own and their local neighborhood’s (average) transcriptome, representing cell state and microenvironment. We have already computed Banksy PCs in Chapter 25 (reducedDim slot PCA_sp) so that here, we perform SNN graph-based Leiden clustering on said PCs in order to obtain spatially aware cluster assignments:

Note that we are using a lower resolution here, as Banksy PCs tend to yield more clusters on the data at hand.
# perform SNN graph-based clustering on 'Banksy' PCs using
# same parameters as for 'non-spatial' clustering above
g <- buildSNNGraph(spe, use.dimred="PCA_sp", type="jaccard", k=20)
k <- cluster_leiden(g, objective_function="modularity", resolution=0.8)
table(spe$Banksy <- factor(k$membership))
##      1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12 
##   2914 12534  5988 10278  8125 26002 27629   738 14715  9491 13481   726 
##     13    14    15    16    17    18 
##   4688  3863 12924   721  1035  4302 Encoder-based

Another category of spatially-aware clustering method uses encoder architectures to generate a latent embedding incorporating both spatial and transcriptomics information, which is then clustered using standard algorithms. One typical example is cellcharter (Varrone et al. 2024), which uses a variational auto-encoder to generate a latental feature space and aggregate the features of each spot across its neighbors to preserve their spatial context.

Several other published methods have also adopted encoder architectures in different ways to perform spatially-aware clustering. STAGATE (Dong and Zhang 2022) uses a graph attention autoencoder to integrate spatial and transcriptional data by modeling spatial neighborhoods as graphs, whereas PROST (Liang et al. 2024) employs a self-attention transformer-based encoder to learn spatial patterns by jointly modeling gene expression and spatial coordinates. Graph-based encoder methods, such as STAGATE, may be particularly well-suited for imaging-based ST data, as their ability to model spatial neighborhoods as graphs aligns naturally with the continuous and fine-grained spatial organization of tissues captured through imaging.

# initialize 'basilisk' environment
env <- BasiliskEnvironment(
  envname="CellCharter", pkgname="OSTA",
  channels=c("conda-forge", "pytorch"),
# activate underlying conda environment
counts <- r_to_py(t(counts(spe)))
coords <- r_to_py(spatialCoords(spe))
import cellcharter as cc
import anndata as ad
import squidpy as sq
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
import scvi

adata = ad.AnnData(X = r.counts,
                   obsm = {"spatial":r.coords},
                   layers = {"counts": r.counts})

seed = 2025
scvi.settings.seed = seed

# variational autoencoder for feature extraction
scvi.model.SCVI.setup_anndata(adata, layer="counts")
model = scvi.model.SCVI(adata, n_hidden=64)
    # the parameters below aim to reduce runtime; 
    # in reality, it'd be better to use defaults
    max_epochs=70, batch_size=512, train_size=0.5, validation_size=0.2)

adata.obsm["X_scVI"] = model.get_latent_representation(adata).astype(np.float32)

# Getting neighborhood aggregation
sq.gr.spatial_neighbors(adata, coord_type="generic", delaunay=True, spatial_key="spatial", percentile=99)
cc.gr.aggregate_neighbors(adata, n_layers=3, use_rep="X_scVI", out_key="X_cellcharter")

# clustering by scanning a range of data number
mod = cc.tl.Cluster(n_clusters=14, random_state=seed)
mod.fit(adata, use_rep="X_cellcharter")

label_df = pd.DataFrame({"label": mod.predict(adata, use_rep="X_cellcharter")}) 
# pull 'CellCharter' assignments from Python into R
spe$CellCharter <- unlist(py$label_df)

26.3 Downstream

26.3.1 Visualization

Let’s visualize the assignment obtains from non-spatial and spatially aware clustering:

ks <- c("Label", "Leiden", "Banksy")#, "CellCharter")
lapply(ks, \(.) {
    plt <- plotSpots(spe, annotate=.)
    plt$layers[[1]]$aes_params$stroke <- 0
    plt$layers[[1]]$aes_params$size <- 0.2
}) |>
    wrap_plots(nrow=2) &
    scale_color_manual(values=unname(pals::trubetskoy())) &
    theme(legend.key.size=unit(0, "lines"), legend.justification="left")

Especially in large tissues, and when there are many subpopulations, the above type of plot makes it difficult to spot rare subpopulations, and might cause cells to overlap in regions with high cellular density. This can be misleading, as we will tend to see only highly abundant subpopulations, or the cells plotted last and on top (i.e., later columns in the object).

To better distinguish between different subpopulations, we can instead generate separate spatial plots with one subpopulation highlighted at a time:

# plot selected clusters in order of frequency,
# highlighting cells assigned to cluster 'k'
lapply(tail(names(sort(table(spe$Banksy))), 12), \(k) {
    spe$foo <- spe$Banksy == k
    spe <- spe[, order(spe$foo)]
    plt <- plotSpots(spe, annotate="foo")
    plt$layers[[1]]$aes_params$stroke <- 0
    plt$layers[[1]]$aes_params$size <- 0.2
    plt + ggtitle(k)
}) |>
    wrap_plots(nrow=3) &
    scale_color_manual(values=c("lavender", "purple")) &
    theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5), legend.position="none")

26.3.2 PC regression

For any single-cell analysis where downstream tasks rely on PCs, it is useful to perform linear regression of (continuous or categorical) covariates of interest onto PCs. This quantifies the variance explained by the covariate and can help assess the extend of unwanted variation (due to, e.g., cell area) as opposed to subpopulations driving transcriptional differences. Here, we regress total counts, cell area, and cluster assignments from different methods against PCs:

pcs <- reducedDim(spe, "PCA_tx")
ids <- c("total_counts", "cell_area", ks)
pcr <- lapply(ids, \(id) {
    fit <- summary(lm(pcs ~ spe[[id]]))
    r2 <- sapply(fit, \(.) .$adj.r.squared)
    data.frame(id, pc=seq_along(r2), r2)
}) |> do.call(what=rbind)

Here, Leiden (transcription-only) and Banksy (spatially aware) clusterings perform similar in terms of capturing (spatially unaware) PCs; as to be expected, Leiden clusters do slightly better. Had we set a higher value for \(\lambda\) when running Banksy, results would diverge more; vice versa, using spatial PCs for regression would have Leiden clusters perform worse. Also, note that we would expect results to converge for \(\lambda=0\).

pcr$id <- factor(pcr$id, ids)
pal <- c("red", "magenta", "gold", "cyan", "blue", "black")
ggplot(pcr, aes(pc, r2, col=id)) +
    geom_line(show.legend=FALSE) + geom_point() +
    scale_color_manual("predictor", values=pal) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(1, seq(5, 20, 5))) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 1), breaks=seq(0, 1, 0.2)) +
    labs(x="principal component", y="coeff. of determination") +
    guides(col=guide_legend(override.aes=list(size=2))) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim=c(1, 20)) +
    theme_minimal() + theme(
        legend.key.size=unit(0, "lines"))

26.3.3 DGE analysis

To help characterize (unsupervised) clusters, we want to identify ‘markers’ for each subpopulation, i.e., features whose expression is positively or negatively restricted to (a) specific subpopulation(s). For details on identifying genes that are differentially expressed (DE) between groups of cells, we refer readers to OSCA; a standard approach is given below, visualizing the average expression of exemplary markers across clusters:

# differential gene expression analysis
mgs <- findMarkers(spe, groups=spe$Leiden, direction="up")
# select for a few markers per cluster
top <- lapply(mgs, \(df) rownames(df)[df$Top <= 3])
length(top <- unique(unlist(top)))
##  [1] 75
# average expression by clusters
pbs <- aggregateAcrossCells(spe, 
    ids=spe$Leiden, subset.row=top, 
    use.assay.type="logcounts", statistics="mean")
# visualize averages z-scaled across clusters
pheatmap(mat=t(assay(pbs)), scale="column", breaks=seq(-2, 2, length=101))

26.4 Appendix


  • https://doi.org/10.1093/bfgp/elae040 categorize ST clustering approaches into probability statistics-, graph neural network- and contrastive learning-based approaches, and review their advantages and limitations for clustering of data from seq- and img-based assays.



Dong, Kangning, and Shihua Zhang. 2022. “Deciphering Spatial Domains from Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics with an Adaptive Graph Attention Auto-Encoder.” Nature Communications 13: 1739. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-29439-6.
Liang, Yuchen, Guowei Shi, Runlin Cai, Yuchen Yuan, Ziying Xie, Long Yu, Yingjian Huang, et al. 2024. “PROST: Quantitative Identification of Spatially Variable Genes and Domain Detection in Spatial Transcriptomics.” Nature Communications 15: 600. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-44835-w.
Liu, Wei, Xu Liao, Ziye Luo, Yi Yang, Mai Chan Lau, Yuling Jiao, Xingjie Shi, et al. 2023. “Probabilistic Embedding, Clustering, and Alignment for Integrating Spatial Transcriptomics Data with PRECAST.” Nature Communications 14: 296. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-35947-w.
Ren, Honglei, Benjamin L. Walker, Zixuan Cang, and Qing Nie. 2022. “Identifying Multicellular Spatiotemporal Organization of Cells with SpaceFlow.” Nature Communications 13 (1): 4076. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31739-w.
Singhal, Vipul, Nigel Chou, Joseph Lee, Yifei Yue, Jinyue Liu, Wan Kee Chock, Li Lin, et al. 2024. BANKSY Unifies Cell Typing and Tissue Domain Segmentation for Scalable Spatial Omics Data Analysis.” Nature Genetics 56 (3): 431–41.
Traag, Vincent, Ludo Waltman, and Nees Jan van Eck. 2018. “From Louvain to Leiden: Guaranteeing Well-Connected Communities.” arXiv, 1810.08473.
Varrone, Marco, Daniele Tavernari, Albert Santamaria-Martínez, Logan A Walsh, and Giovanni Ciriello. 2024. CellCharter Reveals Spatial Cell Niches Associated with Tissue Remodeling and Cell Plasticity.” Nature Genetics 56 (1): 74–84.
Zhao, Edward, Matthew R. Stone, Xing Ren, Jamie Guenthoer, Kimberly S. Smythe, Thomas Pulliam, Stephen R. Williams, et al. 2021. “Spatial Transcriptomics at Subspot Resolution with BayesSpace.” Nature Biotechnology 39: 1375–84. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-021-00935-2.
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