13  Workflow: Visium HD

13.1 Introduction

Visium HD is a next-generation spatial transcriptomics technology developed by 10x Genomics, designed to provide single-cell resolution spatial gene expression data across entire tissue sections. Commercially available since 2024, Visium HD advanced the platform’s resolution from 55 µm spots to bins of near subcellular resolution (2 µm). In this workflow, we will demonstrate common analysis steps with a Visium HD dataset on colorectal cancer (Oliveira et al. 2024).

13.2 Dependencies

In this demo, we perform deconvolution on 16 µm bins and compare the concordance with results on 8 µm bins, provided by 10x Genomics.

Here, we only demonstrate the analysis for patient 2 (P2). Other patients, such as P1 and P5, also have public Chromium, Visium HD, and Xenium data available for the CRC group (see Chapter 6). It would be interesting to investigate the differences in malignant cells/bins (e.g., DEGs, pathways) between patients across different platforms.
# retrieve dataset from OSF repo
id <- "VisiumHD_HumanColon_Oliveira"
pa <- OSTA.data_load(id)
dir.create(td <- tempfile())
unzip(pa, exdir=td)
# read 8um bins into 'SpatialExperiment'
vhd8 <- TENxVisiumHD(
    bin_size="008") |>
# use gene symbols as feature names
gs <- rowData(vhd8)$Symbol
rownames(vhd8) <- make.unique(gs)
colnames(vhd8) <- vhd8$barcode # TODO: VisiumIO bug?
##  class: SpatialExperiment 
##  dim: 18085 545913 
##  metadata(2): resources spatialList
##  assays(1): counts
##  rownames(18085): SAMD11 NOC2L ... MT-ND6 MT-CYB
##  rowData names(3): ID Symbol Type
##  colnames(545913): s_008um_00000_00000-1 s_008um_00000_00001-1 ...
##    s_008um_00837_00443-1 s_008um_00837_00444-1
##  colData names(6): barcode in_tissue ... bin_size sample_id
##  reducedDimNames(0):
##  mainExpName: Gene Expression
##  altExpNames(0):
##  spatialCoords names(2) : pxl_col_in_fullres pxl_row_in_fullres
##  imgData names(4): sample_id image_id data scaleFactor

These data come with bin-level annotations from deconvolution estimates by RCTD, implemented in spacexr. Specifically, two sets of labels are available that correspond to the most and second most frequent of 38 cell types per bin, respectively:

# retrieve annotations
gz <- "binned_outputs/square_008um/deconvolution.csv.gz"
df <- read.csv(file.path(td, gz), row.names=1)
head(df <- df[complete.cases(df), ])
##                   barcode        DeconClass   DeconLabel1
##  2  s_008um_00000_00001-1           singlet     Pericytes
##  18 s_008um_00000_00017-1           singlet Enteric Glial
##  19 s_008um_00000_00018-1 doublet_uncertain Enteric Glial
##  20 s_008um_00000_00019-1           singlet           vSM
##  21 s_008um_00000_00020-1           singlet           vSM
##  24 s_008um_00000_00023-1            reject Smooth Muscle
##              DeconLabel2
##  2           Endothelial
##  18           Enterocyte
##  19             Tumor II
##  20                 Tuft
##  21 CD8 Cytotoxic T cell
##  24                  vSM
# keep only annotated bins
vhd8 <- vhd8[, df$barcode]
colData(vhd8)[names(df[-1])] <- df[-1]
lab <- grep("Label", names(cd <- colData(vhd8)), value=TRUE)
pal <- hcl.colors(length(unique(unlist(cd[lab]))), "Spectral")
lapply(lab, \(.) {
    p <- plotSpots(vhd8, annotate=., point_size=0.2) + ggtitle(.)
    p$layers[[1]]$aes_params$shape <- 16
    p$layers[[1]]$aes_params$stroke <- 0
}) |>
    wrap_plots(nrow=1, guides="collect") &
    scale_color_manual(NULL, values=pal) &
    theme(legend.key.size=unit(0, "lines"))

To keep runtimes low, our downstream analysis will be performed on a subset area of 16 µm bins (1/64 of the data coverage area), which we read in here; there are no annotations available for this resolution in the public domain.

Note that 8 and 16 µm binned Visium HD data share the same full-resolution H&E image and scaling factor.
# read 16um bins into 'SpatialExperiment'
vhd16 <- TENxVisiumHD(
    bin_size="016") |>
# use symbols as feature names
gs <- rowData(vhd16)$Symbol
rownames(vhd16) <- make.unique(gs)
colnames(vhd16) <- vhd16$barcode # TODO: VisiumIO bug?
##  class: SpatialExperiment 
##  dim: 18085 137051 
##  metadata(2): resources spatialList
##  assays(1): counts
##  rownames(18085): SAMD11 NOC2L ... MT-ND6 MT-CYB
##  rowData names(3): ID Symbol Type
##  colnames(137051): s_016um_00000_00000-1 s_016um_00000_00001-1 ...
##    s_016um_00418_00221-1 s_016um_00418_00222-1
##  colData names(6): barcode in_tissue ... bin_size sample_id
##  reducedDimNames(0):
##  mainExpName: Gene Expression
##  altExpNames(0):
##  spatialCoords names(2) : pxl_col_in_fullres pxl_row_in_fullres
##  imgData names(4): sample_id image_id data scaleFactor
.rng <- \(spe) {
    xy <- spatialCoords(spe)*scaleFactors(spe)
    xs <- range(xy[, 1]); ys <- nrow(imgRaster(spe))-range(xy[, 2])
    x1 <- xs[1] + 4*(xs[2]-xs[1])/8; x2 <- xs[2] - 3*(xs[2]-xs[1])/8
    y1 <- ys[1] + 3*(ys[2]-ys[1])/8; y2 <- ys[2] - 4*(ys[2]-ys[1])/8
    list(box=c(x1, x2, y1, y2), cov=c(xs, ys))
vhd8r <- .rng(vhd8)
vhd16r <- .rng(vhd16)
# get 8um bounding boxes; 
# should be similar to 16um 
.box <- \(roi, lty, lwd, col) {
        xmin=vhd8r[[roi]][1], xmax=vhd8r[[roi]][2], 
        ymin=vhd8r[[roi]][3], ymax=vhd8r[[roi]][4],
        col=col, fill=NA, linetype=lty, linewidth=lwd)
cov <- .box(roi="cov", lty=2, lwd=1/2, col="grey")
box <- .box(roi="box", lty=4, lwd=2/3, col="black")
# plotting
.lim <- \(spe) list(
    xlim(spe[["box"]][c(1, 2)]),
    ylim(spe[["box"]][c(4, 3)]))
plotVisium(vhd8, spots=FALSE) + cov + box +
    ggtitle("grey: data coverage\n black: zoomed region") + 
plotVisium(vhd8, point_size=0.8, zoom=TRUE) + .lim(vhd8r) +
    ggtitle("8 µm bins in black box") + 
plotVisium(vhd16, point_size=1.6, zoom=TRUE) + .lim(vhd16r) +
    ggtitle("16 µm bins in black box") + 
plot_layout(nrow=1, widths=c(1.5, 1, 1)) & facet_null() &
    theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5))

Subset the 16 µm object to bins in the black box:

.sub <- function(spe, rng, roi="box") {
    xs <- rng[[roi]][c(1, 2)]
    ys <- nrow(imgRaster(spe)) - rng[[roi]][c(3,4)]
    xy <- spatialCoords(spe)*scaleFactors(spe)
    spe[, xy[, 1] > xs[1] & xy[, 1] < xs[2] & 
          xy[, 2] > ys[1] & xy[, 2] < ys[2] ]
.vhd16 <- .sub(spe=vhd16, rng=vhd16r)
##  [1] 18085  2771

From now on, we are operating on 2771 16 µm bins.

13.3 Quality control

As detailed in Chapter 8, we use SpotSweeper to perform quality control on the subsetted 16 µm data.

# calculate per-cell QC metrics
mt <- grepl("^MT-", rownames(.vhd16))
.vhd16 <- addPerCellQCMetrics(.vhd16, subsets=list(mt=mt))
# determine outliers based on 
# - low log-library size
# - few uniquely detected features
# - high mitochondrial count fraction
.vhd16 <- localOutliers(.vhd16, metric="sum", direction="lower", log=TRUE)
.vhd16 <- localOutliers(.vhd16, metric="detected", direction="lower", log=TRUE)
.vhd16 <- localOutliers(.vhd16, metric="subsets_mt_percent", direction="higher", log=TRUE)
.vhd16$discard <- 
    .vhd16$sum_outliers | 
    .vhd16$detected_outliers | 
# tabulate number of bins retained 
# vs. removed by any criterion 
##   2746    25

We can visualize the local outliers identified by SpotSweeper in space:

plotSpots(.vhd16, annotate="sum_outliers") + ggtitle("low_lib_size") +
plotSpots(.vhd16, annotate="detected_outliers") + ggtitle("low_n_features") +
plotSpots(.vhd16, annotate="discard") + ggtitle("discard") +
plot_layout(nrow=1, guides="collect") & theme(
    legend.key.size=unit(0, "lines")) &
    guides(col=guide_legend(override.aes=list(size=3))) & 
    scale_color_manual("discard", values=c("lavender", "purple"))

Lastly, we subset the Visium HD 16 µm object to bins that passed QC:

.vhd16 <- .vhd16[, !.vhd16$discard]
##  [1] 18085  2746

13.4 Clustering

First, we identify highly variable genes (HVGs) in the target area:

Note that spatially variable genes (SVGs) could be used instead; c.f. Chapter 9.
.vhd16 <- logNormCounts(.vhd16)
dec <- modelGeneVar(.vhd16)
hvg <- getTopHVGs(dec, n=3e3)

As detailed in Chapter 26, Banksy utilizes a pair of spatial kernels to capture gene expression variation, followed by dimension reduction and graph-based clustering to identify spatial domains.

# set seed for random number generation
# in order to make results reproducible
# 'Banksy' parameter settings
k <- 8   # consider first order neighbors
l <- 0.2 # use little spatial information
a <- "logcounts"
xy <- c("array_row", "array_col")
# restrict to selected features
tmp <- .vhd16[hvg, ]
# compute spatially aware 'Banksy' PCs
tmp <- computeBanksy(tmp, assay_name=a, coord_names=xy, k_geom=k)
tmp <- runBanksyPCA(tmp, lambda=l, npcs=20)
reducedDim(.vhd16, "PCA") <- reducedDim(tmp)
# run UMAP (for visualization purposes only)
.vhd16 <- runUMAP(.vhd16, dimred="PCA")
# build cellular shared nearest-neighbor (SNN) graph
g <- buildSNNGraph(.vhd16, use.dimred="PCA", type="jaccard", k=20)
# cluster using Leiden community detection algorithm
k <- cluster_leiden(g, objective_function="modularity", resolution=1.2)
table(.vhd16$Banksy <- factor(k$membership))
##    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
##  374 465 216  35 306 163 451 574 162

Next, we can perform differential gene expresison (DGE) analysis to identify markers for each cluster; c.f. Chapter 27. We also compute the cluster-wise mean expression of selected markers:

# differential gene expression analysis
mgs <- findMarkers(.vhd16, groups=.vhd16$Banksy, direction="up")
# select for a few markers per cluster
top <- lapply(mgs, \(df) rownames(df)[df$Top <= 3])
top <- unique(unlist(top))
# average expression by clusters
pbs <- aggregateAcrossCells(.vhd16, 
    ids=.vhd16$Banksy, subset.row=top, 
    use.assay.type="logcounts", statistics="mean")

The marker genes in each cluster can be visualized with a heatmap:

# visualize averages z-scaled across clusters
    mat=t(assay(pbs)), scale="column", breaks=seq(-2, 2, length=101), 
    cellwidth=10, cellheight=10, treeheight_row=5, treeheight_col=5)

Or, we can visualize the bin-wise expression of selected markers in space:

gs <- c("MMP2", "PIGR", "IGHG1")
ps <- lapply(gs, \(.) plotSpots(.vhd16, annotate=., assay_name="logcounts"))
wrap_plots(ps, nrow=1) & theme(
    legend.key.width=unit(0.5, "lines"),
    legend.key.height=unit(1, "lines")) &
    scale_color_gradientn(colors=rev(hcl.colors(9, "Rocket")))

13.5 Deconvolution

13.5.1 Load single-cell reference

We will now perform deconvolution on the 16 µm binned Visium HD data. First, we retrieve matching (Chromium) scRNA-seq data, which includes low- (Level1) and high-resolution (Level2) annotations of cells into 9 respectively 31 clusters. In order to ensure similar transcriptional profile across technologies, we filter the reference population to patient 2 only.

# retrieve dataset from OSF repository
id <- "Chromium_HumanColon_Oliveira"
pa <- OSTA.data_load(id)
dir.create(td <- tempfile())
unzip(pa, exdir=td)
# read into `SingleCellExperiment`
fs <- list.files(td, full.names=TRUE)
h5 <- grep("h5$", fs, value=TRUE)
sce <- read10xCounts(h5, col.names=TRUE)
# add cell metadata
csv <- grep("csv$", fs, value=TRUE)
cd <- read.csv(csv, row.names=1)
colData(sce)[names(cd)] <- cd[colnames(sce), ]
# use gene symbols as feature names
gs <- rowData(sce)$Symbol
rownames(sce) <- make.unique(gs)
# exclude cells deemed to be of low-quality
sce <- sce[, sce$QCFilter == "Keep"]
# subset cells from same patient
sce <- sce[, grepl("P2", sce$Patient)]
##  class: SingleCellExperiment 
##  dim: 18082 67568 
##  metadata(1): Samples
##  assays(1): counts
##  rownames(18082): SAMD11 NOC2L ... MT-ND6 MT-CYB
##  rowData names(3): ID Symbol Type
##  colData names(7): Sample Barcode ... Level1 Level2
##  reducedDimNames(0):
##  mainExpName: NULL
##  altExpNames(0):

We can visualize the mapping between low- and high-resolution annotations in the single-cell reference data with a contingency table:

fq <- prop.table(table(sce$Level1, sce$Level2), 2)
pheatmap(fq, cellwidth=10, cellheight=10, treeheight_row=5, treeheight_col=5)

Note that "Proliferating Immune II" spans evenly between "B cells" and "Tumor", so we will make it a separate class, "Prolif. Immune" in the low-resolution annotations:

sce$Level1 <- ifelse(grepl("Prolif", sce$Level2), "Prolif. Immune", sce$Level1)
table(sce$Level1) # tabulate low-res. labels
##                B cells           Endothelial            Fibroblast 
##                   6233                  1969                  7355 
##  Intestinal Epithelial               Myeloid              Neuronal 
##                   5949                  6353                  1216 
##         Prolif. Immune         Smooth Muscle               T cells 
##                    810                 16428                  6658 
##                  Tumor 
##                  14597

There are some differences in the provided deconvolution labels at 8 µm resolution and the high-resolution single-cell reference labels:

# all single-cell reference labels 
# are present in the Visium HD data
setdiff(sce$Level2, vhd8$DeconLabel1)
##  character(0)
setdiff(sce$Level2, vhd8$DeconLabel2)
##  character(0)
# but not vice versa
setdiff(vhd8$DeconLabel1, sce$Level2)
##  [1] "Proliferating Macrophages" "Proliferating Fibroblast" 
##  [3] "Memory B"                  "Vascular Fibroblast"      
##  [5] "cDC I"                     "NK"                       
##  [7] "Tumor IV"
setdiff(vhd8$DeconLabel2, sce$Level2)
##  [1] "Proliferating Fibroblast"  "Memory B"                 
##  [3] "cDC I"                     "Proliferating Macrophages"
##  [5] "Vascular Fibroblast"       "Tumor IV"                 
##  [7] "NK"

Below, these extra classes in the Visium HD 8 μm bin annotations will be ignored.

13.5.2 Simplify 8 µm annotations

We can merge the provided deconvolution annotation "DeconLabel1" (most likely cell type for singlets, most dominant type for doublets) into a lower resolution using the single-cell reference annotations:

i <- match(vhd8$DeconLabel1, sce$Level2)
j <- match(vhd8$DeconLabel2, sce$Level2)
vhd8$.DeconLabel1 <- sce$Level1[i]
vhd8$.DeconLabel2 <- sce$Level1[j]
##                B cells           Endothelial            Fibroblast 
##                  12279                 19978                 75080 
##  Intestinal Epithelial               Myeloid              Neuronal 
##                  40683                 20811                  1200 
##         Prolif. Immune         Smooth Muscle               T cells 
##                   3660                 15913                  6158 
##                  Tumor 
##                 215865

According to RCTD, approximately 75% of the 8 µm bins are singlets:

round(100*mean(vhd8$DeconClass == "singlet"), 2)
##  [1] 74.79

Let us check the top-4 common doublet pairs according to the "doublet_certain" class:

dbl <- vhd8$DeconClass == "doublet_certain"
lab <- c(".DeconLabel1", ".DeconLabel2")
df <- data.frame(colData(vhd8)[dbl, lab])
# sort as to ignore order
df <- apply(df, 1, sort)
df <- do.call(rbind, df)
names(df) <- lab
# count unique pairs
ij <- paste(df[, 1], df[, 2], sep=";")
head(sort(table(ij), decreasing=TRUE))
##  ij
##              Tumor;Tumor           Myeloid;Tumor      B cells;Fibroblast 
##                     3984                    3799                    3670 
##       Fibroblast;Myeloid Endothelial;Endothelial   Fibroblast;Fibroblast 
##                     3453                    3073                    2627

We can see that myeloid are commonly co-localized with fibroblasts and tumor cells; most doublets are homotypic, i.e., they are (mostly) composed of one low-resolution type.

We can perform the same subsetting procedure to 8 µm bins and compare the difference in the number of bins in the zoomed (black box) area.

# subset zoomed (black box) area
.vhd8 <- .sub(spe=vhd8, rng=vhd8r)
# compare number of bins between resolutions
(n <- ncol(.vhd8))
##  [1] 9443
(m <- ncol(.vhd16))
##  [1] 2746
round(n/m, 2)
##  [1] 3.44

As expected, the number of 8 µm bins is about 4 times the number of 16 µm bins. We will visualize the same subset for both bin sizes in any downstream analyses.

13.5.3 Run RCTD on 16 µm bins

We also assume there are at most two cell types in a 16 µm bin as in 8 µm, and thus we would expect a smaller proportion of singlets.

# downsample to at most 4,000 cells per cluster
# (this is done only to keep runtime/memory low)
cs <- split(seq_len(ncol(sce)), sce$Level1)
cs <- lapply(cs, \(.) sample(., min(length(.), 4e3)))
ncol(.sce <- sce[, unlist(cs)])
obj <- createRctd(.vhd16, .sce, cell_type_col="Level1", max_cores=5)
(res <- runRctd(obj, rctd_mode="doublet"))

Weights inferred by RCTD correspond to proportions of cell types, such that they sum to 1 for a given observation (expect for rejected ones, which sum to 0):

# counts rejected observations
ws <- assay(res, "weights")
table(colSums(ws) == 0)
##   2563    11
# add proportion estimates as metadata
ws <- data.frame(t(as.matrix(ws)))
colData(.vhd16)[names(ws)] <- ws[colnames(.vhd16), ]

Next, we can spatially visualize the deconvolution proportions estimates:

lapply(names(ws), \(.) 
    plotSpots(.vhd16, annotate=., point_size=0.1)) |>
    wrap_plots(nrow=2, guides="collect") & theme(
    legend.key.width=unit(0.5, "lines"),
    legend.key.height=unit(1, "lines")) &
    scale_color_gradientn(colors=rev(hcl.colors(9, "Rocket")))

We may also obtain the majority vote class for 16 µm bins:

This type of analysis procedure is underlying the annotations provided by the authors.
# derive majority vote labels
ids <- names(ws)[apply(ws, 1, which.max)]
ids <- gsub("\\.([A-z])", " \\1", ids)
idx <- match(colnames(.vhd16), rownames(ws))
table(.vhd16$.DeconLabel1 <- factor(ids[idx]))
##                B cells           Endothelial            Fibroblast 
##                     87                   157                   436 
##  Intestinal Epithelial               Myeloid              Neuronal 
##                    227                   156                     3 
##         Prolif. Immune         Smooth Muscle               T cells 
##                     50                   144                    12 
##                  Tumor 
##                   1302

We can also check the proportional frequency difference between 8 and 16 µm bins in our region of interest:

n8 <- table(.vhd8$.DeconLabel1)
n16 <- table(.vhd16$.DeconLabel1)
df <- data.frame(x=as.numeric(n8/n16))
ggplot(df, aes(x)) + geom_density() + 
  xlab("Cell type frequency ratio") + 
  ggtitle("distribution of cell type frequency\nratio between 8 vs. 16 µm bins") + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0, max(df$x), by=2)) + 
  theme_classic() + theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5))

Most cell types appear around 3-4 times more in 8 compared to 16 µm bins, which is expected given the difference in bin size.

13.5.4 Deconvolution results at different resolutions

Let’s visualize deconvolution result for 8 and 16 µm bins in the zoomed area:

plotVisium(.vhd8, annotate=".DeconLabel1", zoom =TRUE, point_size=0.8) + ggtitle("8 µm") + plot_spacer() +
plotVisium(.vhd16, annotate=".DeconLabel1", zoom=TRUE, point_size=1.6) + ggtitle("16 µm") +
plot_layout(nrow=1, guides="collect", widths=c(1, 0.05, 1)) &
  guides(col=guide_legend(override.aes=list(size=2))) &
  scale_fill_manual(values=unname(pals::trubetskoy())) & 
  facet_null() & theme(
      legend.key.size=unit(0, "lines")) 

13.6 Downstream

13.6.1 Concordance of clustering & deconvolution

We can visualize the results spatially:

plotVisium(.vhd16, annotate="Banksy", zoom=TRUE, 
    point_size=1.6, pal=unname(pals::kelly())) + 
    plot_spacer() +
plotVisium(.vhd16, annotate=".DeconLabel1", zoom=TRUE, 
    point_size=1.6, pal=unname(pals::trubetskoy())) +
    widths=c(1, 0.05, 1)) & facet_null() &
    theme(legend.key.size=unit(0, "lines"))

Their concordance can be visualized with a heatmap:

fq <- prop.table(table(.vhd16$Banksy, .vhd16$.DeconLabel1), 2)
pheatmap(fq, cellwidth=10, cellheight=10, treeheight_row=5, treeheight_col=5)

From the above heatmap, cluster 1 is mostly immune cells with endothelial; cluster 9 matches B cell bins; cluster 7 and 8 are likely intestinal epithelial and smooth muscle, respectively; fibroblast is common in cluster 4; tumor spans cluster 2, 5, and 6.

13.7 Neighborhood analysis

Here, we want to quantify the abundance between T cells, B cells, or Myeloid bins to Fibroblast or Tumor bins in 16 µm zoomed region. We use getAbundances() from Statial to calculate, for each bin, the abundance of other cell types within a radius of 200 px; the resulting (bins \(\times\) types) matrix is stored as reducedDim slot "abundances".

xy <- data.frame(spatialCoords(.vhd16))
colData(.vhd16)[names(xy)] <- xy
.vhd16 <- getAbundances(.vhd16, 
    r=200, nCores=4)

Let’s have a look at the abundance and distance results, also including deconvolution results:

df <- reducedDim(.vhd16, "abundances")
df$CT <- .vhd16$.DeconLabel1
df[1:5, 1:5]
##                        Endothelial Tumor Smooth Muscle T cells Fibroblast
##  s_016um_00208_00209-1           1     8             0       0          0
##  s_016um_00208_00210-1           1    10             0       0          0
##  s_016um_00208_00211-1           1    12             0       0          0
##  s_016um_00208_00212-1           1    10             0       0          1
##  s_016um_00208_00213-1           2     9             0       0          1

Now, we filter to only T cells, B cells and Myeloid bins, and investigate – within their neighborhood – the spatial proximity differences to Fibroblast or Tumor bins in terms of abundance.

source <- df$CT %in% c("T cells", "B cells", "Myeloid")
target <- c("Tumor", "Fibroblast", "CT")
fd <- pivot_longer(
    df[source, target], cols=-CT,
    names_to="target", values_to="n")
##  # A tibble: 6 × 3
##    CT      target         n
##    <fct>   <chr>      <int>
##  1 Myeloid Tumor          8
##  2 Myeloid Fibroblast     7
##  3 Myeloid Tumor          7
##  4 Myeloid Fibroblast     5
##  5 Myeloid Tumor         11
##  6 Myeloid Fibroblast     3

In this region, we observe more tumor than fibroblast bins around each of the immune bins. However, note that in this zoomed region, we have nearly 3 times more tumor bins compared to fibroblast bins. Thus, we need to scale abundance values by the number of target cell type bins observed in the region.

n_tum <- table(.vhd16$.DeconLabel1)["Tumor"]
n_fib <- table(.vhd16$.DeconLabel1)["Fibroblast"]
fd$p <- ifelse(fd$target == "Tumor", fd$n/n_tum, fd$n/n_fib)
ggplot(fd, aes(x=CT, y=n, fill=target)) + 
    labs(y="# cells within 200px") +
ggplot(fd, aes(x=CT, y=p, fill=target)) + 
    labs(y="relative abundance") +
plot_layout(nrow=1, guides="collect") & 
    geom_boxplot(key_glyph="point") & 
    scale_fill_manual(values=c("dodgerblue", "tomato")) & 
    guides(fill=guide_legend(override.aes=list(shape=21, size=2))) &
    theme_classic() & theme(
        legend.key.size=unit(0, "lines"))

After correction, we see that the abundance of fibroblast bins does not differ much from the abundance of tumor bins around each immune cell type in the zoomed region.

The same analysis steps could be applied to the (unfiltered) 8 μm resolution data with the corresponding RCTD results provided by the authors.

13.8 Conclusion

In this workflow, we demonstrated how to perform a standard analysis pipeline on a subset of Visium HD data binned at 16 µm. Most methods and visualization techqniues developed for Visium can be applied to Visium HD. However, more sparsity is expected, as each data point (e.g. 2, 8, or 16 µm) has smaller area compared to Visium (55 µm). Each bin cannot be interpreted as a cell, but rather, a segmentation-free approach is applied here. Below are some resources and news for Visium HD to consider and incorporate into your pipeline:

  • GitHub repository of bin2cell for H&E segmentation and obtaining cell boundaries.

  • Analysis pipeline by 10x Genomics (April 2024). The analysis consists of three steps: run StarDist nuclei segmentation in Python, sum gene expression into nuclei based on segmentation mask, and downstream analysis with scanpy and anndata.

  • 10x Genomics news on morphology-driven segmentation from H&E enabled in CytAssist for Visium HD, by assigning transcripts to individual cells.

  • Pipeline on cell typing for Visium HD in Python by Sanofi.


Oliveira, Michelli F., Juan P. Romero, Meii Chung, Stephen Williams, Andrew D. Gottscho, Anushka Gupta, Susan E. Pilipauskas, et al. 2024. “Characterization of Immune Cell Populations in the Tumor Microenvironment of Colorectal Cancer Using High Definition Spatial Profiling.” bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.06.04.597233.
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