5  Importing data

5.1 Flat file structure

At present, the file structure and formats of data from spatial transcriptomics platforms varies between commercial providers. Nevertheless, all data are similar in their essence, e.g.: sequencing-based data include spatial locations of array spots and a count matrix; imaging-based data include transcript locations (from spot-calling), polygon boundaries (from segmentation), and a count matrix (from allocating transcripts to cells), etc.

5.1.1 Visium (10x Genomics)

Running spaceranger on Visium data creates a set of standardized output files. These comprise raw measurement data (similar to scRNA-seq but including, e.g., spot-level coordinates, potential images), as well as results from a ‘button-push’ analysis pipeline that includes standard quality control, dimension reduction (PCA, t-SNE, and UMAP), graph-based clustering, etc. The resulting outputs are well described here; briefly:

  └── outs
    ├── spatial
      ├── tissue_positions_list.csv # spot locations
      └── tissue_lowres_image.png   # same-section H&E
    └── filtered_feature_bc_matrix  # in-tissue matrix files
    └── raw_feature_bc_matrix       # unfiltered matrix files
         ├── barcodes.tsv # spot barcodes (i.e., sequences)
         ├── features.tsv # gene metadata (e.g., ensembl IDs)
         └── matrix.mtx   # (gene x spot) count matrix

5.1.2 Visium HD (10x Genomics)

Running spaceranger on Visium HD data generates outputs similar to the above, but by default includes outputs binned at a resolution of 2, 8, and 16 µm. Thus, outputs have a hierarchical structure where each binned_outputs/ subdirectory contains files analogous to the outs/ directory for Visium; e.g.:

  └── binned_outputs
    └─── square_002um
      └── filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5
      └── filtered_feature_bc_matrix
        └── barcodes.tsv.gz
        └── features.tsv.gz
        └── matrix.mtx.gz
      └── raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5
      └── raw_feature_bc_matrix
        └── ...
      └── spatial
        └── tissue_positions.parquet
        └── ...
    └── square_*

5.1.3 Xenium (10x Genomics)

Running xeniumranger reduces raw data generated from Xenium runs to an output bundle with standardized file structure and contents. Notably, 10x Genomics provides a variety of output file formats (for example, both .csv and .parquet for gene/cell metadata), facilitating interoperability with a variety of frameworks. All outputs are described in detail here; briefly:

  └── outs 
    ├── cells.parquet          # cell metadata (e.g., area)
    ├── cell_feature_matrix.h5 # compressed format of the below 
    └── cell_feature_matrix    # segmentation-derived matrix files
      ├── barcodes.tsv # cell barcodes (i.e., sequences)
      ├── features.tsv # gene metadata (e.g., target type)
      └── matrix.mtx   # (gene x cell) count matrix
    ├── transcripts.parquet        # molecule locations
    ├── cell_boundaries.parquet    # membrane segmentation
    ├── nucleus_boundaries.parquet # nuclear segmentation 
    └── experiment.xenium # experiment-wide metadata (in .json format)

5.1.4 CosMx (NanoString)

Through custom module scripts, the AtoMx Spatial Informatics Portal (SIP) allows exporting different types of objects and, importantly, ‘flat’ (human-readable) file formats. Unlike raw data (e.g. images prior to spot-calling), these represent processed outputs (e.g. spatial locations of segmentation boundary vertices and molecules, segmentation-derived count matrix, etc.). A detailed description of these files is given here; briefly:

  ├── exprMat_file.csv       # (gene x cell) counts
  ├── fov_positions_file.csv # FOV corner positions
  ├── metadata_file.csv      # cell-level metadata 
  ├── polygons.csv           # segmentation boundaries
  └── tx_file.csv            # molecule locations

5.2 Reading into R

Reader functions from several packages can be used to import data from raw files into a SpatialExperiment object (or derivatives thereof), including:

  • VisiumIO provides readers for spatial data from 10x Genomics’s Space Ranger pipeline, i.e. Visium and Visium HD. This includes support for .mtx, .tar.gz and .h5 file formats, and for reading in multiple samples at once. Data are read into a SpatialExperiment object.

  • XeniumIO provides functions to import 10x Genomics Xenium data into R. Notably, there is support for multiple file formats (e.g. .h5 and .mtx for count data, .parquet and .csv for polygons and molecules, etc.), as well as automated distinction between RNA targets and other barcodes (e.g. negative probes, blank codes, etc.).

  • SpatialExperimentIO provides readers for a variety of imaging-based spatial transcriptomics platforms, including CosMx (Bruker), Xenium (10x Genomics), MERSCOPE (Vizgen), and seqFISH (Spatial Genomics). Data may be read into a SingleCellExperiment or SpatialExperiment.

  • SpatialFeatureExperiment provides functions to read CosMx, Xenium, MERSCOPE and Visium(HD) as SpatialFeatureExperiment objects.

5.3 Appendix


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