Chapter 5 Space Ranger
5.1 Overview
In this chapter, you will learn the basics about the spaceranger count
processing pipeline by 10x Genomics for Visium data, and the VistoSeg
software you can use for segmenting the images to estimate the number of the cells per spot.
5.2 What is Space Ranger?
Space Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines for processing 10x Genomics Visium sequence data (FASTQ
files) with high resolution microscope images of tissue. In short, it maps the transcriptomic reads to the microscope image of the tissue from which the reads were obtained. Space Ranger includes 5 pipelines but we only use one for our work with Visium – this is the spaceranger count
You can find more information about the various pipelines on the 10x Genomics website.
5.3 Installing Space Ranger
Installing Space Ranger is fairly simple and can be completed in around 3 steps which can be found in their documentation. Briefly, these are:
- Download and unpack the Space Ranger
file in any location - Download and unpack any of the reference data
file in a convenient location - Pre-pend the Space Ranger directory to your
If you use the lmod
software management utility in your high performance computing environment, you can create a module with commands such as the ones described at:
- JHPCE module source for
version 1.3.0 - JHPCE module config for
version 1.3.0
Thus in the future, you can use spaceranger
with commands such as
$ module load spaceranger/1.3.0
Loading LIBD module for spaceranger/1.3.0
Reference files, for use with the '--transcriptome' argument, can be
accessed or downloaded into
$ spaceranger --help
spaceranger spaceranger-1.3.0
Process 10x Genomics Spatial Gene Expression data
spaceranger <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
count Count gene expression and feature barcoding reads
from a single capture area
aggr Aggregate data from multiple 'spaceranger count'
targeted-compare Analyze targeted enrichment performance by
comparing a targeted sample to its cognate parent
WTA sample (used as input for targeted gene
targeted-depth Estimate targeted read depth values (mean reads
per spot) for a specified input parent WTA sample
and a target panel CSV file
mkfastq Run Illumina demultiplexer on sample sheets that
contain 10x-specific sample index sets
testrun Execute the 'count' pipeline on a small test
mat2csv Convert a gene count matrix to CSV format
mkref Prepare a reference for use with 10x analysis
software. Requires a GTF and FASTA
mkgtf Filter a GTF file by attribute prior to creating
a 10x reference
upload Upload analysis logs to 10x Genomics support
sitecheck Collect linux system configuration information
help Prints this message or the help of the given
5.4 Run spaceranger count
The spaceranger count
pipeline requires several inputs (the microscope image and FASTQ
files) and performs sequence alignment, tissue detection and alignment using the fiducial frame, and barcode/UMI counting. The most important output is the gene-spot matrix, which can be combined with other data generated by VistoSeg
(see below) into a SpatialExperiment
or other R or Python object for downstream analysis.
A more detailed description of this pipeline can be found here.
Here is an example of the parameters used to run spaceranger count
. Note how we are using the gene annotation information provided by 10x Genomics, which is actually the same data they provide for their single cell data processing software called Cell Ranger. So if you have both types of data, you can save some disk space by re-using these gene annotation files. One important input file is the --loupe-alignment
file, which is why you’ll need to use Loupe Browser first.
5.5 Output files
The spaceranger count
pipeline outputs the following files. The ones we use for downstream analysis are the files contained in the raw_features_bc_matrix
folder and can be imported into R using the SpatialExperiment::read10xVisium()
function to create a SpatialExperiment
object (or similar functions available within other R or Python frameworks).
Among the output files, we have the two image files:
: max 600 pixelstissue_hires_image.png
: max 2000 pixels
though you might have a much higher quality image than the hires
one that is proportional to these two. The scalefactors_json.json
file includes the scaling factors to convert spot coordinates to pixel coordinates from either the lowres
or highres
image. The spot coordinates information is stored in the tissue_positions_list.csv
text file. In addition, you might be interested in the metrics_summary.csv
file, which includes the metrics displayed in the interactive website web_summary.html
. (Note that the format of this file has changed across spaceranger
versions.) While it is nice that spaceranger count
provides files in the filtered_feature_bc_matrix
directory with the data filtered to the spots overlapping tissue, as determined by your Loupe Browser alignment file, we recommend using the raw_feature_bc_matrix
data. Doing so will enable you to inspect the data in spots that theoretically don’t overlap your tissue. Then later on, you can easily filter out those spots in R or Python.
If you are interested in accessing some spaceranger count
output files, 10x Genomics provides several public datasets that you can use. You can also access the spatialLIBD
data from this collection of links (Maynard and Collado-Torres et al. (2021)).
5.6 Web summary .html file
The web summary web_summary.html
is the first file we look at after Space Ranger is done running because it tells us if the run was successful. It provides general quality control statistics and visualizations. These include clustering results using k-means and graph-based clustering methods visualized on reduced dimensions such as t-SNE and UMAP. One metric that you might want to check is the number of reads per spot overlapping tissue, since according to 10x Genomics, you should target 50,000 mean reads per spot. If you are too low, the median number of genes per spot will suffer and you might need to consider sequencing your cDNA library a bit more.
The .cloupe
file is also useful for checking the quality of the data. There is more information on this file in the Loupe Browser chapter of this book.
5.7 Import outputs into R
Here, we use the SpatialExperiment
package to store the data from Space Ranger and VistoSeg
(see below) in one convenient object (spe
). Below is an example of the code we use to build the spe
5.8 VistoSeg for quantifying cells per spot
As was explained earlier in What is VistoSeg?, VistoSeg
is a MATLAB pipeline that can be used to estimate the number of cells per spot, which can used for downstream analyses (Tippani et al. (2022)). It is ideal to first segment the bright field images as described in the Image segmentation chapter. VistoSeg
can also be used prior to running Loupe
as it can help create high resolution images for each Visium tissue section. In particular, VistoSeg
provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that can be be used for counting the number of cells or nuclei in the Visium spots of a given tissue capture area. This is described in detail in the VistoSeg
documentation website chapter 4.
The spotspotcheck
GUI, will allow the user to visually inspect the nuclei segmentations along with generating nuclei counts per Visium spot for each capture area. The countNuclei
MATLAB function is the command line version for spotspotcheck
which only extracts the number of cells/nuclei per Visium spot without any visualization. The output is saved in a spreadsheet file (tissue_spot_counts.csv
) that contains one row per Visium spot barcode and a column with the estimated number of cells per spot. The data for nuclei counts for the tissue per Visium spot can then be incorporated with the outputs of Space Ranger by being stored in the SpatialExperiment
or similar object or used for downstream analysis such as in (Maynard and Collado-Torres et al. (2021)).
For more information about VistoSeg
please see its documentation website.
5.9 Wrapping up
By now you are familiar with how to use Loupe
to align your images with the Visium fiducial frame, how to run spaceranger count
to process the gene expression data, and how VistoSeg
can help you with creating the images for Loupe
as well as estimating the number of spots per cell. You are now ready to continue with downstream analyses using R packages (e.g. from Bioconductor) or Python packages.